Page 16 - Islam In Focus

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common sense and flagrant violation of the very concept of God (see the references in
article nine above; Qur’ an, 41:46; 45:15; 53:31-42; 74:38; the concept of Sin below):
On the rational basis as well as on the authority of the Our’ an, the Muslim believes
that Adam realized what he had committed and prayed to God for pardon, as any
other sensible sinner would. It is also on the same basis, the Muslim believes, that
God, the Forgiving and Merciful, granted Adam pardon (2:35-37; 20:117-122).
Hence, the Muslim cannot possibly accept the doctrine that Adam with the whole
human race had been condemned and unforgiven until Jesus came to expiate for their
sins. Consequently, the Muslim cannot entertain the dramatic story of Jesus’ death on
the cross just to do away with all human sins once and for all.
Here the reader must be cautioned against any wrong conclusions. The Muslim does
not believe in the crucifixion of Jesus by his enemies because the basis of this
doctrine of crucifixion is contrary to Divine mercy and justice as much as it is to
human logic and dignity. Such a disbelief in the doctrine does not in any way lessen
the Muslim’ s reverence for Jesus, or degrade the high status of Jesus in Islam, or even
shake the Muslim’ s belief in Jesus as a distinguished prophet of God. On the contrary,
by rejecting this doctrine the Muslim accepts Jesus but only with more esteem and
higher respect, and looks upon his original message as an essential part of Islam. So
let it be stated, again, that to be a Muslim a person must accept and respect all the
prophets of God without any discrimination. The general status of Jesus in Islam will
be further discussed in a later chapter.
11. The true Muslim believes that man must work out his salvation through the
guidance of God. This means that in order to attain salvation a person must combine
Faith and action, belief and practice. Faith without action is as insufficient as action
without Faith. In other words, no one can attain salvation until his Faith in God
becomes dynamic in his life and his beliefs are translated into reality. This is in
complete harmony with the other Islamic articles of Faith. It shows that God does not
accept lip service, and that no true believer can be indifferent as far as the practical
requirements of Faith are concerned. It also shows that no one can act on behalf of
another or intercede between him and God (see, for example, the Qur’ an, 10:9-10;
18:30; 103:1-3).
12. The true Muslim believes that God does not hold any person responsible until He
has shown him the Right Way. This is why God has sent many messengers and
revelations, and has made it clear that there would be no punishment before giving
guidance and sounding the alarm. So, a person who has never come across any Divine
revelations or messenger, or a person who is insane is not held responsible to God for
failing to obey the Divine instructions. Such a person will be responsible only for not
doing what his sound common sense tells him to do. But the person who knowingly
and intentionally violates the Law of God or deviates from His Right Path will be
punished for his wrong deeds (4:165; 5:16 & 21; 17:15).
This point is very important for every Muslim. There are many people in the world
who have not heard of Islam and have no way of knowing about it. Such people may
be honest and may become good Muslims, if they find their way to Islam. If they do
not know and have no way of knowing, they will not be responsible for failing to be
Muslims. Instead, the Muslims who can present Islam to such people will be the ones