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Muhaajiruun stood up also and said, "Salmaan is of us." The Prophet called to them saying, "Salmaan is

of us, O People of the House (Prophet's house)."

Indeed, he deserved this honor! `Aliy lbn Abi Taalib , (May Allah honor his face) nicknamed him

"Luqmaan the Wise ". He was asked about after his death: "There was a man who was of the People of

the House. Who among you is like Luqmaan the Wise? He was a man of knowledge who absorbed all

the scriptures of the People of the Book. He was like a sea that was never exhausted!"

He was held in the minds of Prophet's Companions with all highest regards and in the greatest

position and respect. During the Caliphate of `Umar, he came to Al-Madiinah on a visit and `Umar

accorded him what he had never accorded to anyone before when he assembled his Companions and

said, "Come, let us go out and welcome Salmaan!" They received him at the border of Al-Madiinah.

Salmaan had lived with the Prophet (PBUH) ever since he met him, and believed in him as a free

Muslim, and worshiped with him. He lived during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, `Umar and `Uthmaan, in

whose era he met his Lord. In most of these years, the banner of Islam spread everywhere, and the

treasures of Islam were carried to Al Madiinah in floods and distributed to the people in the form of

regular allowance and fixed salaries. The responsibilities of ruling increased on all fronts, as well as

duties and the overwhelming burden of holding official posts. So where did Salmaan stand in this

respect? Where do we see him in the time of splendor, plenty, and enjoyment?

Open wide your eyes. Do you see that humble man sitting there in the shade making baskets and

utensils out of palm fronds?

That is Salmaan. Take a good look at him. Look at his short garment, which is so short that it is only

down to his knees. That was him in grand old age. His grant was 4,000 to 6,000 dirhams a year, but he

distributed all of it, refusing to take a dirham of it, and he used to say, "I would buy palm fronds with one

dirham to work on and then sell it for three dirhams. I retained one dirham of it as capital, spent one

dirham on my family, and gave away one dirham, and if `Umar lbn Al-Khattaab prevented me from that,

I would not stop."

What next, O followers of Muhammad? What next, O noblest of mankind in all ages? Some of us

used to think, whenever we heard the conduct of the Companions and their piety - for example, Abu

Bakr, `Umar, Abu Dhar and their brethren - that it was based on the life of the Arabian Peninsula, where

the Arabs find pleasure in simplicity. And here we are before a man from Persia, the land of pleasure,

luxury, and civilization, and he was not of the poor but of its upper class. What about him now refusing

property, wealth, and enjoyment, and insisting that he live on one dirham a day from the work of his

hands? How about his refusing leadership and position except for something relating to jihaad and only if

none but he were suitable for it, and it was forced upon him, and he accepted it weeping and shy? How

about when he accepted leadership which was forced upon him but he refused to take his lawful dues?

Hishaam lbn Hasaan relates from Al-Hassan: The allowance of Salmaan was 5,000. He lived among

30,000 people and used to dress in a garment cut into halves. He wore one and sat on the other half.

Whenever his allowance was due him, he distributed it to the needy and lived on the earnings of his


Why do you think he was doing all this work and worshiping with all this devotion, and yet he was

a Persian child of luxury, the upbringing of civilization? You can hear the reply from him. While he was

on his deathbed, the great spirit mounting forth to meet his Lord, Exalted and Merciful, Sa`d lbn Abi

Waqaas went to greet him, and Salmaan wept! Sa'd said, "What makes you weep, O Abu `Abd Allah?

The Prophet of Allah died pleased with you!" Salmaan replied, "By Allah, I am not weeping in fear of

death, nor for love of the world. But the Prophet of Allah put me on an oath. He said, `Let any of you

have in this world like the provision of the traveler,' and here I have owned many things around me."

Sa'd said: I looked around, and I saw nothing but a water-pot and vessel to eat in! Then I said to him, "O

Abu Abd Allah, give us a parting word of advice for us to follow." He said, O Sa'd, remember Allah for

your cares, if you have any. Remember Allah in your judgment, if you judge. Remember Allah when you

distribute the share." This was the man who filled his spirit with riches just as it filled him with

renunciation of the pleasures of this world, its riches, and pride. The oath which he and the rest of the