Page 20 - Your relationship with Allah

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The Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam said: “If a woman spends from the wealth of her house
without causing harm (to her family), she will get the reward of what she spent and her husband also
gets a reward because he earned it. (Moreover) the one who is entrusted with money gets the same
rewards (of spending it), without any of them (the wife and the entrusted) decreasing the rewards of
the others.”
Place Your Need before Allah, Not Men
Abdullah bin Mas’ud radiallahu anhu related to us that the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihe
wasallam said: “Whoever is confronted with a severe need and places it before men (and begs them
for help), he will never be relieved of it permanently, and whoever places it before Allah and
beseeches Him (for it), it is confidently hoped that Allah will put an end to his need either by granting
him death before long (if the appointed time of his death has arrived) or by bestowing prosperity
upon him after sometime.”
The Prophet Sallallahu alaihe wasallam said: “Whosoever guarantees me that he will not ask people
for anything, I can guarantee him Paradise.”
Sahih Bukhari
Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi 849/26
Sahih Bukhari