Page 198 - Riyad-us-Saliheen

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intercede for him".
1. The acceptance of intercession here means that Allah grants the prayer which they
make for the
deceased and forgives him, provided he is worthy of it.
2.aA large number of Muwahhidun (believers in the Oneness of Allah) in a funeral holds greater promise of the
pardon of the deceased.
لﺎﻗ ، ﻪﻨﻋ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ، ٍدﻮﻌﺴﻣ ِﻦﺑا ﻦﻋو
َﻦﻴِﻌﺑَرَأ ْﻦِﻣ ًاﻮﺤَﻧ ٍﺔﱠﺒُﻗ ﻲﻓ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا ِلﻮﺳر َﻊَﻣ ﺎﱠﻨُآ
لﺎﻘﻓ ،
؟ ِﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ِﻞْهَأ َﻊُﺑُر اﻮُﻧﻮُﻜَﺗ ْنَأ َنﻮَﺿﺮَﺗَأ
ﺎَﻨْﻠُﻗ :
لﺎﻗ ، ﻢَﻌَﻧ
َأ َﺚُﻠُﺛ اﻮُﻧﻮُﻜَﺗ نَأ َنﻮَﺿﺮَﺗَأ
؟ ِﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ِﻞْه
ﺎَﻨْﻠُﻗ :
لﺎﻗ ، ﻢَﻌَﻧ
ﻻ َﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ﱠنَأ ﻚِﻟَذَو ، ﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ِﻞْهَأ َﻒﺼِﻧ اﻮُﻧﻮُﻜَﺗ ْنَأ ﻮُﺟرَﻷ ﻲﱢﻧِإ ِﻩِﺪَﻴِﺑ ٍﺪﱠﻤَﺤُﻣ ُﺲﻔَﻧ يِﺬﱠﻟاَو
َﻴَﺒﻟا ِةَﺮﻌﱠﺸﻟﺎَآ ﱠﻻِإ ِكﺮﱢﺸﻟا ِﻞْهَأ ﻲﻓ ْﻢُﺘﻧَأ ﺎَﻣَو ، ٌﺔَﻤِﻠﺴُﻣ ٌﺲﻔَﻧ ﱠﻻِإ ﺎَﻬُﻠُﺧﺪَﻳ
ِةَﺮَﻌﱠﺸﻟﺎَآ ْوَأ ، ِدﻮﺳَﻷا ِرﻮﱠﺜﻟا ِﺪﻠﺟ ﻲﻓ ِءﺎَﻀ
ِﺮَﻤْﺣَﻷا ِرﻮﱠﺜﻟا ِﺪﻠﺟ ﻲﻓ ِءاَدﻮﱠﺴﻟا
ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ٌﻖﻔﺘﻣ
. `Abdullah bin Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: There were, about forty of us with Messenger
of Allah (PBUH) in a camp when he said,
"Aren't you pleased that you will constitute one-fourth of the inhabitants
of Jannah?
'' We said, "Yes". He again said,
"Aren't you pleased that you will constitute one-third of the inhabitants
of Jannah?
". We said: "Yes.'' Upon this he (PBUH) said,
"By Him in Whose Hand Muhammad's soul is, I hope that
you will constitute one-half of the inhabitants of Jannah; and the reason is that only Muslims will be admitted into
Jannah; and you are no more compared to the polytheists than as a white hair on the skin of a black ox, or a black
hair on the skin of a white ox.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
This Hadith reveals the following two points:
1. As compared with the believers and the faithful, there will be a large number of infidels in Hell.
2. As compared with the followers of other Prophets, there will be a larger number of Muslims in Jannah, to the
extent that half of its occupants will be Muslims. This Hadith has glad tidings for the Muslim Ummah and bestows
great respect and honour on them. (May Allah include us among them.)
لﺎﻗ ، ﻪﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ، يﺮﻌﺷَﻷا ﻰﺳﻮﻣ ﻲﺑأ ﻦﻋو
ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُلﻮﺳر لﺎﻗ
» َنﺎَآ اَذِإ
ُلﻮُﻘَﻴَﻓ ًﺂّﻴِﻧاَﺮْﺼَﻧ وأ ﺎﻳدﻮُﻬَﻳ ٍﻢِﻠْﺴُﻣ ﱢﻞُآ ﻰﻟِإ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا َﻊَﻓَد ِﺔَﻣﺎﻴِﻘْﻟا ُمْﻮَﻳ
َﻚُآﺎَﻜِﻓ اَﺬَه
ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا َﻦِﻣ
لﺎﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﱢﻲﺒﻨﻟا ﻦﻋ ُﻪﻨﻋ ﺔﻳاور ﻲﻓو
ِلﺎَﺜْﻣَأ ٍبﻮُﻧُﺬِﺑ ﻦﻴِﻤِﻠْﺴُﻤﻟا َﻦِﻣ ٌسﺎَﻧ ِﺔَﻣﺎﻴِﻘْﻟا َمْﻮَﻳ ُءﻲِﺠَﻳ
ُﻢﻬﻟ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﺎَهُﺮِﻔﻐَﻳ ِلﺎَﺒﺠﻟا
ﻢﻠﺴﻣ ﻩاور
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
ﺮﺼَﻧ ْوَأ ﺎﻳِدﻮﻬﻳ ٍﻢِﻠْﺴُﻣ ﱢﻞُآ ﻰﻟِإ َﻊَﻓَد
ُلﻮُﻘَﻴَﻓ ًﺎﻴِﻧا
ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا َﻦِﻣ َﻚُآﺎَﻜﻓ اﺬَه
ﻲﺑأ ﺚﻳﺪﺣ ﻲﻓ َءﺎَﺟ ﺎَﻣ ُﻩﺎَﻨْﻌﻣ
ُﻪﻨﻋ ُﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ، ةﺮﻳﺮه
ُﺮِﻓﺎَﻜﻟا ُﻪَﻔَﻠَﺧ َﺔﱠﻨﺠﻟا َﻞَﺧَد اَذِإ ﻦِﻣْﺆُﻤﻟﺎﻓ ،ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﻲﻓ ٌلِﺰﻨَﻣو ، ِﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ﻲﻓ ٌلِﺰﻨَﻣ ٍﺪَﺣَأ ﱢﻞُﻜِﻟ
ﺬﻟ ﻖِﺤَﺘْﺴُﻣ ُﻪﱠﻧَﻷ ، ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﻲﻓ
ﻩِﺮْﻔُﻜﺑ َﻚﻟ
» َﻚُآﺎَﻜﻓ
ﱠنَﻷ ، َﻚُآﺎَﻜِﻓ اﺬَهَو ، ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا ِلﻮُﺧُﺪِﻟ ًﺎﺿﱠﺮَﻌُﻣ َﺖْﻨُآ َﻚﱠﻧَأ
ا ﻰﻨﻌَﻣ ﻲﻓ اوُرﺎَﺻ ، ْﻢِهِﺮْﻔُآَو ْﻢﻬِﺑﻮُﻧُﺬِﺑ ُرﺎﱠﻔُﻜﻟا ﺎَﻬَﻠَﺧَد اذِﺈﻓ ، ﺎَهُﺆَﻠْﻤَﻳ ًادَﺪﻋ ِرﺎﱠﻨﻠِﻟ َرﱠﺪَﻗ ﻰﻟﺎﻌﺗ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا
َﻦﻴِﻤِﻠﺴُﻤﻠِﻟ كﺎَﻜِﻔﻟ
ﻢﻠﻋَأ ﻪﱠﻠﻟاو
Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"On the
Day of Resurrection, Allah will deliver to every Muslim, a Jew or a Christian and say: `This is your ransom from
Another narration is: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"There would come people amongst the Muslims on the Day
of Resurrection with sins as heavy as a mountain, and Allah would forgive them".
"This is your ranson'' is interpreted by the Hadith of Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him):
"There is a place for everyone in both Jannah and Hell. When the believer occupies his place in Jannah, an infidel
will take his place in Hell on account of his infidelity. This also means: "You believers were exposed to Fire, but
this infidel is your ransom. Because Allah has prepared a number of His creature for Hell, so when the infidels
occupy it on account of their sins and infidelity, they are considered as ransoms for the believers. Allah knows best.''
(Editor's Note)
This Hadith tells us about the auspicious end of the believers and a bad one of disbelievers.
لﺎﻗ ﺎﻤﻬﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ﺮَﻤﻋ ﻦﺑا ﻦﻋو
لﻮﻘﻳ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮﺳر ُﺖﻌِﻤﺳ
ُﻦِﻣْﺆُﻤﻟا ﻰَﻧْﺪُﻳ
ُلﻮﻘﻴﻓ ، ﻪِﺑﻮُﻧُﺬِﺑ ُﻩَرﱢﺮَﻘُﻴَﻓ ، ِﻪﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﻪَﻔَﻨَآ َﻊَﻀَﻳ ﻰﱠﺘﺣ ِﻪﱢﺑَر ُﻦِﻣ ِﺔَﻣﺎَﻴِﻘﻟا َمﻮَﻳ
؟ اَﺬَآ َﺐﻧَذ ُفﺮﻌَﺗَأ ؟اﺬَآ َﺐﻧذ ُفﺮﻌَﺗَأ