Page 641 - Riyad-us-Saliheen

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heart; and those who are the farthest from Allah are those whose hearts are hard.
The hardening of the heart is a condition where one neither learns any lesson from Allah's Signs nor
does one accept anyone's good advice and religious preaching. If one indulges in idle talk rather than the
remembrance of Allah, his heart becomes hardened, which is a sign of being far from Allah's Mercy. One should
therefore occupy himself with the remembrance of Allah.
َلﺎَﻗ ُﻪﻨَﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ةَﺮﻳﺮُه ﻲﺑأ ْﻦﻋو
ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُلﻮُﺳر لﺎﻗ
» َﻗَو ْﻦَﻣ
ﺎَﻣ ﱠﺮَﺷ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُﻩﺎ
َﺔﱠﻨﺠﻟا َﻞَﺧَد ِﻪْﻴَﻠْﺟِر َﻦْﻴَﺑ ﺎَﻣ ﱠﺮَﺷو ، ِﻪْﻴﻴْﺤَﻟ َﻦْﻴﺑ
لﺎﻗو يﺬِﻣﺮﱢﺘﻟا ﻩاَوَر
ٌﻦﺴﺣ ﺚﻳﺪﺣ
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "
He whom
Allah saves from the evil of that which is between his jaws and the evil of that which is between his legs will enter
َلﺎَﻗ ُﻪْﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ٍﺮِﻣﺎﻋ ِﻦﺑ َﺔﺒْﻘُﻋ ْﻦَﻋَو
لﺎَﻗ ؟ ُةﺎﺠﱠﻨﻟا ﺎَﻣ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا لﻮﺳَر ﺎﻳ ُﺖْﻠُﻗ
َﻚَﻧﺎﺴِﻟ َﻚْﻴَﻠَﻋ ْﻚِﺴْﻣأ
ْﻟَو ،
َﻚِﺘَﺌﻴِﻄَﺧ ﻰﻠﻋ ِﻚْﺑاو ، َﻚُﺘْﻴﺑ َﻚْﻌَﺴَﻴ
َلﺎﻗو يﺬﻣﺮﺘﻟا ﻩاور
ٌﻦﺴﺣ ٌﺚﻳﺪﺣ
'Uqbah bin `Amir (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), "
How can
salvation be achieved?'' He replied, "Control your tongue, keep to your house, and weep over your sins
It is better for one to spends his surplus time at home in the remembrance of Allah, the recitation of
the Qur'an and the performance of acts of obedience, if one feels unable to benefit others or if one fears that he, as
well as his religion will not be safe if one mixes with others. Allah greatly likes it that one repents of his own sins
and weeps over them.
َلﺎَﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻲﺒﻨﻟا ﻦﻋ ُﻪْﻨَﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ﱢيِرْﺪُﺨﻟا ٍﺪﻴﻌَﺳ ﻲﺑأ ﻦﻋو
، مدﺁ ُﻦْﺑا ﺢﺒْﺻَأ اذإ
ُلﻮُﻘَﺗ ، َنﺎﺴﱢﻠﻟا ُﺮﱢﻔَﻜُﺗ ﺎَﻬﱠﻠُآ َءﺎَﻀْﻋﻷا ﱠنﺈَﻓ
ًَﻚِﺑ ُﻦﺤﻧ ﺎﻤﱠﻧﺈَﻓ ، ﺎَﻨﻴﻓ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ِﻖﱢﺗا
ِنإو ﺎﻨْﻤَﻘﺘَﺳا َﺖْﻤَﻘَﺘْﺳا ِنﺈَﻓ
يﺬﻣﺮﺘﻟا ﻩاور
نﺎَﺴﱢﻠﻟا ُﺮﱢﻔَﻜُﺗ
ُﻪَﻟ ُﻊﻀْﺨَﺗو ﱡلِﺬَﺗ يَأ
Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "
When the son of
Adam gets up in the morning, all the limbs humble themselves before the tongue and say: `Fear Allah for our sake
because we are with you: (i.e., we will be rewarded or punished as a result of what you do) if you are straight, we
will be straight; and if you are crooked, we will become crooked.
This Hadith shows the importance of guarding one's tongue against that which is prohibited. Even
the slightest carelessness on the part of the tongue can make all the organs suffer for it.
Crookedness of the tongue means the careless use of the tongue which lands the whole body in trouble; and keeping
the tongue straight means keeping oneself safe from all kinds of troubles and ordeals.
لﺎﻗ ُﻪﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ذﺎﻌُﻣ ْﻦﻋو
ﺔﱠﻨَﺠﻟا ﻲﻨُﻠِﺧْﺪُﻳ ٍﻞَﻤَﻌِﺑ ﻲﻧﺮﺒﺧأ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا لﻮُﺳر ﺎﻳ ُﺖْﻠُﻗ
ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﻦﻋ ﻲﻧُﺪِﻋﺎَﺒُﻳو ،
لﺎَﻗ ؟ :
ِﻪﻴَﻠﻋ ﻰﻟﺎَﻌَﺗ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُﻩَﺮﱠﺴَﻳ ْﻦﻣ ﻰﻠَﻋ ٌﺮﻴِﺴَﻴَﻟ ُﻪﱠﻧإو ، ٍﻢﻴِﻈَﻋ ْﻦﻋ َﺖْﻟَﺄَﺳ ْﺪﻘَﻟ
، ًﺎﺌْﻴَﺷ ِﻪِﺑ ُكﺮْﺸُﺗ ﻻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﺪُﺒْﻌَﺗ
ِإ ﺖﻌﻄﺘﺳا نإ َﺖْﻴَﺒﻟا ﱡﺞُﺤَﺗو َنﺎَﻀﻣر ُمﻮُﺼﺗو ، َةﺎَآﱠﺰﻟا ﻲﺗﺆُﺗو ، َةﻼﱠﺼﻟا ُﻢﻴِﻘُﺗو
،ًﻼْﻴِﺒَﺳ ِﻪْﻴَﻟ
لﺎَﻗ ﱠﻢُﺛ
ﻚﱡﻟُدأ ﻻأ
ٌﺔﱠﻨُﺟ ُمْﻮﱠﺼﻟا ؟ ِﺮْﻴَﺨﻟا ِباﻮْﺑأ ﻰﻠَﻋ
ْﻦﻣ ِﻞُﺟﱠﺮﻟا ُةﻼﺻو ، رﺎﱠﻨﻟا ُءﺎَﻤﻟا ُءﻲِﻔْﻄُﻳ ﺎﻤآ ﺔﺌﻴِﻄَﺨﻟا ُءﻲِﻔْﻄﺗ ٌﺔﻗَﺪﱠﺼﻟاَ،
ِﻞْﻴﱠﻠﻟا ِفْﻮﺟ
ﻼَﺗ ﱠﻢُﺛ
ِﻊِﺟﺎَﻀَﻤﻟا ِﻦَﻋ ْﻢُﻬﺑﻮُﻨُﺟ ﻰﻓﺎﺠﺘﺗ
َﻎَﻠﺑ ﻰﱠﺘﺣ
:16 . [
لﺎﻗ ﱠﻢُﺛ
ِﻪِﻣﺎﻨَﺳ ِةوْرِذو ، ِﻩِدﻮﻤﻋو ، ِﺮْﻣﻷا ِسأَﺮِﺑ َكُﺮِﺒْﺧُأ ﻻأ
ُﺖﻠُﻗ :
ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا لﻮﺳر ﺎﻳ ﻰﻠَﺑ
: َلﺎَﻗ :
، ُمﻼْﺳﻹا ِﺮْﻣﻷا ُسْأر
ُةﻼﱠﺼﻟا ُﻩُدﻮُﻤَﻋو
ُدﺎَﻬِﺠﻟا ِﻪِﻣﺎﻨﺳ ُةورذو
لﺎﻗ ﱠﻢُﺛ
ﺑ َكُﺮِﺒْﺧُأ ﻻأ
؟ ﻪﻠآ َﻚﻟذ ِكﻼِﻤِـ
ُﺖْﻠُﻗ :
ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮُﺳر ﺎﻳ ﻰﻠَﺑ
َلﺎﻗ ِﻪِﻧﺎَﺴِﻠِﺑ َﺬﺧَﺄَﻓ
اﺬه َﻚْﻴَﻠﻋ ﱠﻒُآ
ُﺖْﻠُﻗ :
لﺎَﻘﻓ ؟ ِﻪِﺑ ُﻢﱠﻠﻜَﺘَﻧ ﺎَﻤﺑ نوﺬَﺧاَﺆُﻤﻟ ﺎﱠﻧإو ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮُﺳر ﺎﻳ
َﻚﱡﻣُأ َﻚْﺘﻠِﻜَﺛ
ﱠﻻإ ﻢِﻬِهﻮُﺟَو ﻰﻠﻋ ِرﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﻲﻓ َسﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﱡﺐُﻜَﻳ ْﻞَهو ،
؟ ْﻢِﻬِﺘَﻨِﺴْﻟأ ُﺪِﺋﺎَﺼﺣ
لﺎﻗو يﺬﻣﺮﺘﻟا ﻩاور
ﻪﺣﺮﺷ ﻖﺒﺳ ﺪﻗو ، ٌﺢﻴﺤﺻ ٌﻦﺴﺣ ٌﺚﻳِﺪﺣ
Mu`adh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH):
"Inform me of an act which will cause me to enter Jannah and keep me far from Hell.'' He (PBUH) replied, "