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ِةَﺮْﻄِﻔﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ َتﺎﻣ دﻮﻟْﻮُﻣ ﱡﻞﻜﻓ
ﻲِﻧﺎَﻗْﺮَﺒﻟا ﺔﻳاور ﻲﻓو
: »
ِةَﺮْﻄِﻔﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ﺪِﻟُو
َﻦﻴﻤﻠﺴﻤﻟا ﺾﻌﺑ لﺎﻘﻓ
: ﺎﻳ
ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُلﻮﺳر لﺎﻘﻓ ؟ َﻦﻴآِﺮﺸﻤﻟا ُدﻻوأو ، ﻪﱠﻠﻟا لﻮﺳر
َﻦﻴآﺮﺸﻤﻟا ُدﻻوأو
مﻮﻘﻟا ﺎﻣأو
ﻢﻬﻨﻋ ﷲا زوﺎﺠﺗ ًﺎﺌﻴﺳ ﺮﺧﺁو ًﺎﺤﻟﺎﺻ ًﻼﻤﻋ اﻮﻄﻠﺧ مﻮﻗ ﻢﻬﻧﺈﻓ ﺢﻴﺒﻗ ﻢﻬﻨﻣ ﺮﻄﺷو ﻦﺴﺣ ﻢﻬﻨﻣ ﺮﻄﺷ اﻮﻧﺎآ ﻦﻳﺬﻟا
يرﺎﺨﺒﻟا ﻩاور
ﻪﻟ ﺔﻳاور ﻲﻓو
ِﺔﺳﱠﺪﻘُﻣ ِ
ضْرأ ﻰﻟإ ﻲﻧﺎﺟﺮْﺧﺄﻓ ﻲﻧﺎﻴَﺗأ ﻦﻴَﻠُﺟر َﺔَﻠﻴﱠﻠﻟا ُﺖﻳأر
ﻩﺮَآذ ﻢﺛ
لﺎﻗو :
» َﻠَﻄﻧﺎﻓ
ﻰﻟإ ﺎَﻨْﻘ
ْنأ اوُدﺎآ ﻰﺘَﺣ اﻮُﻌَﻔَﺗْرا ﺖﻌَﻔَﺗرا اذﺈﻓ ،ًارﺎﻧ ُﻪﺘﺤَﺗ ُﺪﱠﻗَﻮَﺘَﻳ ، ٌﻊﺳاَو ُﻪُﻠَﻔْﺳأو ٌﻖﱢﻴَﺿ ُﻩﻼْﻋأ ، ِرﻮﱡﻨﺘﻟا ﻞﺜﻣ ٍﺐﻘَﻧ
ٌةاﺮﻋ ءﺎﺴﻧو ٌلﺎﺟر ﺎﻬﻴﻓو ، ﺎﻬﻴﻓ اﻮﻌَﺟَر ، تﺪَﻤَﺧ اذإو ،
ﺎﻬﻴﻓو :
ﻚﺸﻳ ﻢﻟو ، مًَد ﻦﻣ ٍﺮﻬَﻧ ﻰﻠﻋ ﺎَﻨﻴَﺗأ ﻰﺘﺣ
، ِﺮﻬﱠﻨﻟا ﻲﻓ يﺬﻟا ُﻞُﺟﱠﺮﻟا ﻞﺒﻗﺄﻓ ، ٌةرﺎﺠﺣ ِﻪﻳﺪﻳ َﻦْﻴﺑو ، ٌﻞُﺟر ﺮﻬﱠﻨﻟا ﱢﻂﺷ ﻰﻠﻋو ، ِﺮﻬًﱠﻨﻟا ﻂﺳو ﻰﻠﻋ ٌﻢﺋﺎﻗ ٌﻞُﺟر
ﻪﻴﻓ ﻲﻓ ﻲﻣْﺮَﻳ َﻞَﻌَﺟ جﺮْﺨﻴﻟ َءﺎﺟ ﺎَﻤﱠﻠُآ َﻞﻌﺠﻓ ، َنﺎآ ُﺚْﻴﺣ ُﻩﱠدﺮﻓ ، ﻪﻴِﻓ ﻲﻓ ٍﺮﺠﺤِﺑ ُﻞُﺟﱠﺮﻟا ﻰَﻣر ، َجُﺮْﺨﻳ ْنأ دارأ اذﺈَﻓ
ِﺟْﺮﻴﻓ ، ٍﺮﺠﺤﺑ
َنﺎآ ﺎﻤآ ُﻊ
ﺎَﻬﻴﻓو : »
ٌلﺎﺟر ﺎﻬﻴﻓ ، ﺎَﻬْﻨﻣ َﻦﺴْﺣأ ﱡﻂَﻗ رأ ْﻢَﻟ ًاراد ﻲﻧﻼﺧْدﺄَﻓ ، َةﺮَﺠﱠﺸﻟا ﻲﺑ اﺪﻌﺼﻓ
بﺎﺒَﺷَو ٌخﻮُﻴُﺷ
« .
ﺎَﻬﻴِﻓو : »
،قﺎﻓﻵا َﻎُﻠْﺒَﺗ ﻰﱠﺘﺣ َﻪْﻨﻋ ُﻞﻤْﺤُﺘَﻓ ِﺔﺑﺬﻜْﻟﺎﺑ ُثﱢﺪﺤُﻳ ، ٌباﱠﺬَﻜﻓ ُﻪُﻗْﺪِﺷ ﱡﻖَﺸُﻳ ُﻪﺘْﻳأر يﺬﱠﻟا
أر ﺎﻣ ِﻪﺑ ُﻊَﻨْﺼﻴﻓ
ِﺔﻣﺎﻴِﻘْﻟا مْﻮﻳ ﻰﻟإ َﺖْﻳ
« .
ﺎﻬﻴﻓو : »
مﺎﻨﻓ ، َنﺁﺮُﻘْﻟا ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُﻪﻤﱠﻠﻋ ُﻞُﺟﺮﻓ ُﻪُﺳأر ُخَﺪْﺸُﻳ ُﻪﺘْﻳأر يﺬﱠﻟا
ِﺔﻣﺎﻴِﻘْﻟا مﻮﻳ ﻰﻟإ ﻪِﺑ ُﻞﻌْﻔُﻴﻓ ، ِرﺎَﻬﱠﻨﻟﺎِﺑ ﻪﻴﻓ ْﻞﻤْﻌﻳ ْﻢَﻟو ، ِﻞْﻴﱠﻠﻟﺎِﺑ ُﻪﻨﻋ
« .
ِﺔﱠﻣﺎﻋ ُراد َﺖْﻠَﺧد ﻲﺘﻟا ﻰﻟوﻷا ُراﱠﺪﻟاو
ﱠﻣأو ، َﻦﻴﻨﻣﺆُﻤﻟا
اذﺈﻓ ، ﻲﺳْأر ُﺖﻌﻓﺮﻓ ، ﻚَﺳأر ﻊﻓْرﺎﻓ ، ُﻞﻴﺋﺎﻜﻴِﻣ اﺬهو ، ُﻞﻳﺮْﺒِﺟ ﺎﻧأو ، ِءاﺪَﻬﱡﺸﻟا ُراَﺪﻓ ُراﱠﺪﻟا ﻩﺬه ﺎ
ﻻﺎﻗ ، ِبﺎﺤﱠﺴﻟا ُﻞﺜِﻣ ﻲﻗﻮﻓ
ُﺖﻠﻗ ، َﻚُﻟﺰﻨﻣ َكاذ
ﻻﺎﻗ ، ﻲﻟﺰﻨﻣ ْﻞُﺧْدأ ﻲﻧﺎﻋَد
ْﻮَﻠﻓ ، ُﻪْﻠِﻤﻜﺘﺴَﺗ ﻢَﻟ ٌﺮُﻤُﻋ َﻚَﻟ ﻲﻘَﺑ ُﻪﱠﻧإ
ْﻨﻣ ﺖﻴﺗأ ، ﻪﺘﻠﻤْﻜَﺘْﺳا
َﻚَﻟِﺰ «
يرﺎﺨﺒﻟا ﻩاور
ُﻪﺳْأَر ﻎَﻠْﺜَﻳ
يأ ، ﺔﻤﺠﻌﻤﻟا ِﻦﻴﻐﻟاو ﺔﺜﻠﺜﻤﻟا ِءﺎﺜﻟﺎﻳ ﻮهو
ﻪﱡﻘُﺸَﻳو ُﻪُﺧﺪﺸﻳ
. ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
» ﻩﺪْهﺪَﺘَﻳ
و ، ُجﺮﺣﺪﺘﻳ
» ُبﻮﱡﻠَﻜﻟا
فوﺮﻌﻣ ﻮهو ، ةدﺪﺸﻤﻟا مﻼﻟا ﻢﺿو ، فﺎﻜﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
اوؤﻮَﺿْﻮﺿ «
اﻮﺣﺎﺻ يأ ، ﻦﻴﺘﻤﺠﻌﻣ ﻦﻳدﺎﻀﺑ ﻮهو
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
» ُﺮَﻐْﻔﻴﻓ
ﻦﻴﻐﻟاو ِءﺎﻔﻟﺎﺑ ﻮه
يأ ، ﺔﻤﺠﻌﻤﻟا
. ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
» ِةﺁﺮﻤﻟا
يأ ، ﻢﻴﻤﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ ﻮه
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ :
» ﺎﻬﱡﺸُﺤﻳ
ءﺎﻴﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ ﻮه
يأ ، ﺔﻤﺠﻌﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺸﻟاو ﺔﻠﻤﻬﻤﻟا ِءﺎﺤﻟا ﻢﺿو
ﻪﻟﻮﻗ ، ﺎهﺪﻗﻮﻳ
» َﺿْور
ِﺔﱠﻤَﺘْﻌُﻣ ٍﺔ
نﺎﻜﺳإو ﻢﻴﻤﻟا ﻢﻀﺑ ﻮه
يأ ، ﻢﻴﻤﻟا ﺪﻳﺪﺸﺗو ءﺎﺘﻟا ﺢﺘﻓو ﻦﻴﻌﻟا
ﻪﺘَﻠﻳﻮﻃ تﺎﺒﱠﻨﻟا ِﺔﻴﻓاو
ُﻪُﻟﻮَﻗ :
» ٌﺔَﺣْود «
نﺎﻜﺳإو ، لاﺪﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ ﻲهو
ﺔﻠﻤﻬﻤﻟا ِءﺎﺤﻟﺎﺑو واﻮﻟا
ُﻪُﻟﻮﻗ ، ُةﺮﻴﺒﻜْﻟا ُةَﺮﺠﱠﺸﻟا ﻲِهو
» ُ
ﺔﻠﻤﻬﻤﻟا ِءﺎﺤﻟا نﺎﻜﺳإو ﻢﻴﻤﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ ﻮه
ﺔﻤﺠﻌﻤﻟا دﺎﱠﻀﻟﺎﺑو
ُﻦَﺒﱠﻠﻟا َﻮُهو
ُﻪُﻟﻮﻗ :
يِﺮﺼﺑ ﺎﻤَﺴَﻓ
» ًاﺪُﻌُﺻَو «
ﻦﻴﻌﻟاو دﺎﺼﻟا ﻢﻀﺑ
ﺔﺑﺎﺤﱠﺴﻟا ﻲهو ، ةرﺮﻜُﻣ ةﺪﺣﻮﻤﻟا ِءﺎﺒﻟﺎﺑو ِءاﺮﻟا ﺢﺘﻔﺑ
Sumurah bin Jundub (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) very often used
to ask his Companions, "
Do any one of you has seen a dream
?'' So dreams would be narrated to him by those whom
Allah willed to relate. One day he (PBUH) said, "
Last night I had a vision in which two men (angels) came to me
and woke me up and said to me, `Proceed!' I set out with them and we came across a man lying down, and behold,
another man was standing over his head, holding a big rock. Behold, he was throwing the rock at the man's head,
smashing it. When he struck him, the stone rolled away and he went after it to get it, and no sooner had he returned
to this man, his head was healed and restored to its former condition. The thrower (of the rock) then did the same as
he had done before. I said to my two companions, `Subhan-Allah! Who are these?' They said: `Proceed, proceed.' So
we proceeded and came to a man lying in a prone position and another man standing over his head with an iron
hook, and behold, he would put the hook in one side of the man's mouth and tear off that side of his face to the back
(of the neck), and similarly tear his nose from front to back, and his eyes from front to back. Then he turned to the
other side of the man's face and did just as he has done with the first side. He had hardly completed that (second)
side when the first returned to its normal state. I said to my two companions, `Subhan-Allah! Who are these?' They
said, `Proceed, proceed.' So we proceeded and came across something like a Tannur (a kind of baking oven, a pit
usually clay-lined for baking bread)
.'' I (the narrator) think the Prophet (PBUH) said, "
In that oven there was much
noise and voices
.'' The Prophet (PBUH) added, "
We looked into it and found naked men and women, and behold, a
flame of fire was reaching to them from underneath, and when it reached them they cried loudly. I asked, `Who are
these?' They said to me, `Proceed, proceed.' And so we proceeded and came across a river.'' I (the narrator) think he
"-- red like blood.'' The Prophet (PBUH) added, "
And behold, in the river there was a man swimming, and on
the bank there was a man who had collected many stones. Behold, while the other man was swimming, he went near
him. The former opened his mouth and the latter (on the bank) threw a stone into his mouth whereupon he went
swimming again. Then again he (the former) returned to him (the latter), and every time the former returned, he
opened his mouth, and the latter threw a stone into his mouth, (and so on) the performance was repeated. I asked my
two companions, `Who are these?' They replied, `Proceed, proceed.' And we proceeded till we came to a man with a
repulsive appearance, the most repulsive appearance you ever saw a man having! Beside him there was a fire, and he
was kindling it and running around it. I asked my two companions, `Who is this (man).' They said to me, `Proceed,