Page 805 - Riyad-us-Saliheen

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ﱠنأ ُﻪْﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ﱢيِﺮَﻌْﺷﻷا ﻰﺳﻮُﻣ ﻲﺑأ ْﻦَﻋو
لﺎﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﱠﻲﺒﱠﻨﻟا
ِسﺎﱠﻨﻟا ﻰﻠَﻋ ﱠﻦَﻴﺗﺄﻴﻟ
َﻮْﻟا ُﻞُﺟﱠﺮﻟا ىَﺮُﻳَو ، ُﻪْﻨِﻣ ﺎَهُﺬُﺧْﺄَﻳ ًاﺪَﺣأ ُﺪِﺠَﻳ ﻼَﻓ ، ِﺐَهﱠﺬﻟا َﻦِﻣ ﺔَﻗَﺪﱠﺼﻟﺎِﺑ ِﻪﻴِﻓ ُﻞُﺟﱠﺮﻟا ُفﻮُﻄَﻳ ٌنﺎَﻣَز
َنﻮُﻌَﺑْرأ ُﻪُﻌَﺒْﺘَﻳ ُﺪِﺣا
ﱠﻠِﻗ ْﻦِﻣ ِﻪِﺑ َنْﺬُﻠَﻳ ًةأﺮْﻣا
ِءﺎَﺴﱢﻨﻟا ِةَﺮْﺜَآَو ِلﺎﺟﱢﺮﻟا ِﺔ
ﻢﻠﺴﻣ ﻩاور
Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "
A time will come
when a man will go about with alms from his gold and will not find anyone to receive it. One man will be seen being
followed by forty women dependant upon him on account of the scarcity of men and excess of women.
This Hadith also reveals one of the prophecies of the Prophet (PBUH) which have not been fulfilled
yet. One of them is that wealth will be abundant and females will greatly exceed the males in number. This may
happen due to wars, when more males will be killed, or the birth rate of females may exceed that of the males.
ﻦَﻋ ُﻪْﻨَﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر َةَﺮْﻳَﺮُه ﻲﺑأ ْﻦَﻋو
َلﺎَﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﱢﻲﺒﱠﻨﻟا
ًارﺎَﻘﻋ ٍﻞُﺟَر ْﻦِﻣ ٌﻞُﺟَر ىَﺮَﺘْﺷا
ُرﺎَﻘَﻌْﻟا ىَﺮَﺘْﺷا يﺬﻟا ُﻪﻟ َلﺎﻘﻓ ،ٌﺐَهَذ ﺎَﻬﻴِﻓ ًةﱠﺮَﺟ ﻩِرﺎَﻘَﻋ ﻲﻓ َرﺎَﻘَﻌْﻟا ىَﺮَﺘْﺷا يﺬﻟا ﺪَﺟَﻮَﻓ ،
ُﺖْﻳَﺮَﺘْﺷا ﺎَﻤﱠﻧإ ، َﻚَﺒَهَذ ْﺬُﺧ
َﺘْﺷأ ْﻢَﻟَو ، َ
ضْرﻷا َﻚْﻨِﻣ
ضْرﻷا ُﻪَﻟ يﺬﱠﻟا َلﺎﻗو ، َﺐَهﱠﺬﻟا ِﺮ
، ٍﻞُﺟَر ﻰﻟإ ﺎﻤَآﺎﺤَﺘَﻓ ، ﺎَﻬﻴِﻓ ﺎَﻣَو َ
ضرﻷا َﻚُﺘْﻌﺑ ﺎَﻤﱠﻧإ
ِﻪْﻴَﻟإ ﺎَﻤَآﺎَﺤَﺗ يﺬﱠﻟا َلﺎﻘﻓ
ﺎَﻤُهُﺪﺣأ َلﺎَﻗ ؟ ٌﺪَﻟَو ﺎَﻤُﻜَﻟَأ
ٌمﻼُﻏ ﻲﻟ
ُﺮﺧﻵا َلﺎﻗو
َمﻼُﻐْﻟا ﺎَﺤٍﻜْﻧأ َلﺎﻗ ، ٌﺔﻳِرﺎَﺟ ﻲﻟ
َو ، َﺔَﻳرﺎَﺠﻟا
ﺎَﻗﱠﺪَﺼﺗو ُﻪْﻨِﻣ ﺎَﻤﻬﺴُﻔْﻧأ ﻰﻠَﻋ ﺎَﻘِﻔْﻧأ
ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ٌﻖﻔﺘﻣ
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "
A man bought a piece of
land from another man, and the buyer found a jar filled with gold in the land. The buyer said to the seller: `Take
your gold, as I bought only the land from you and not the gold.' The owner of the land said: `I sold you the land with
everything in it.' So both of them took their case before a third man who asked: `Have you any children?' One of
them said: `I have a boy.' The other said, `I have a girl.' The man said: `Marry the girl to the boy and spend the
money on them; and whatever remains give it in charity.
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
This is the story of some people from the past, in which exemplary honesty, piety and the will to
abstain from the doubtful property has been described. But as far as the law of Shari`ah is concerned, it appears that
in the transaction of land, any buried treasure will not be included in the sale. It will be considered quite separately
and apart from the sale of the land. If the previous owner says that the treasure belongs to him and he forgot to take
it out, then it will be considered as his property and not the property of the buyer of the land. But if he shows
ignorance about it, then it will be considered under the title of "Rikaz". In such a case, one-fifth of it goes to the
public treasury and the rest to the owner of the land. Rikaz refers to any buried treasure which is discovered in any
ُلﻮُﻘَﻳ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮُﺳَر َﻊِﻤَﺳ ُﻪﱠﻧأ ُﻪْﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ُﻪْﻨﻋو
ﺎَﻤُﻬﻌَﻣ نﺎَﺗأَﺮْﻣا ْﺖَﻧﺎآ
ﺎَﻬﺘﺒِﺣﺎﺼﻟ ﺖﻟﺎﻘﻓ ، ﺎﻤُهاﺪْﺣإ ِﻦﺑﺎﺑ َﺐَهَﺬَﻓ ُﺐْﺋﱢﺬﻟا َءﺎَﺟ ، ﺎﻤُهﺎﻨْﺑا
ىﺮْﺧﻷا ﺖﻟﺎﻗو ، ِﻚِﻨﺑﺎﺑ َﺐَهذ ﺎَﻤﱠﻧإ
: َﻤﱠﻧإ
َﺐَهَذ ﺎ
َدواد ِﻦﺑ َنﺎﻤْﻴَﻠُﺳ ﻰﻠﻋ ﺎَﺘﺟَﺮَﺨَﻓ ، ىَﺮْﺒُﻜْﻠﻟ ِﻪِﺑ ﻲِﻀَﻘَﻓ ، ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ َدوُواد ﻰﻟإ ﺎﻤآﺎَﺤَﺘَﻓ ، ﻚِﻨﺑﺎﺑ
َلﺎﻘﻓ ، ﻩﺎَﺗﺮﺒﺧﺄﻓ ، ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا
ﺎَﻤُﻬَﻨْﻴَﺑ ُﻪﱡﻘَﺷأ َﻦﻴﻜﱢﺴﻟﺎِﺑ ﻲﻧﻮُﺘْﺋا
ىﺮْﻐﱡﺼﻟا ﺖﻟﺎﻘﻓ
َﻌْﻔَﺗ ﻻ
، ﻪﱠﻠﻟا َﻚﻤِﺣَر ، ْﻞ
ىَﺮْﻐﱡﺼﻠﻟ ِﻪِﺑ ﻰَﻀَﻘَﻓ ﺎَﻬُﻨْﺑا ﻮُه
ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ٌﻖﻔﺘﻣ
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "
There were two
women, each had her child with her. A wolf came and took away the child of one of them. One woman said to her
companion: `The wolf has taken your son.' The other said: `It has taken your son.' So both of them took the dispute
to Prophet Dawud (David) (PBUH) who judged that the boy should be given to the older lady. Then they went to
Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) (PBUH) son of Dawud and put the case before him. Prophet Sulaiman said: `Give me
a knife so that I may cut the child into two and give one half to each of you.' The younger woman said: `Do not do
so; may Allah bless you! He is her child.' On that Prophet Sulaiman decided the case in favour of the younger
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) (PBUH) went to the depth of the matter by wisdom bestowed by Allah
and the power of decision using a device or a trick as a method of discovering the truth. He used this trick to
discover the truth and not to evade it. Such a trick is not forbidden in the law and there is no doubt in its being
permitted. However, those tricks which are used to avoid the law are a great sin for which the Jews are well-known.
May Allah save us from such things.