Page 14 - Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum

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The Second: Khuza‘a claimed that Halil requested Qusai to hold custodianship of Al-Ka‘bah
and rulership over Makkah after his death.
The Third: Halil g ave the right of Al-Ka‘bah service to his daughter Hobba and appointed Abu
Ghabshan Al-Khuza‘i to function as her agent whereof. Upon Halil’s death, Qusai bought this
right for a leather bag of wine, which aroused dissatisfaction among the men of Khuza‘a a nd
they tried to keep the custodianship of the Sacred House away from Qusai. The latter,
however, with the help of Quraish and Kinana, managed to take over and even to expel
Khuza‘a completely from Makkah.
Whatever the truth might have been, the whole affair resulted in the deprivation of Sofa of
their privileges, previously mentioned, evacuation of Khuza‘a and Bakr from Makkah and
transfer of rulership over Makkah and custodianship of the Holy Sanctuary to Qusai, after
fierce wars between Qusai and Khuza‘a inflicting heavy casualties on both sides,
reconciliation and then arbitration of Ya‘mur bin ‘Awf, from the tribe of Bakr, whose
judgement entailed eligibility of Qusai’s rulership over Makkah and custodianship of the
Sacred House, Qusai’s irresponsibility for Khuza‘a’s blood shed, and imposition of blood
money on Khuza‘a. Qusai’s reign over Makkah and the Sacred House began in 440 A.D. and
allowed him, and Quraish afterwards, absolute rulership over Makkah and undisputed
custodianship of the Sacred House to which Arabs from all over Arabia came to pay homage.
Qusai brought his kinspeople to Makkah and allocated it to them, allowing Quraish some dwellings
there. An-Nus’a, the families of Safwan, Adwan, Murra bin ‘Awf preserved the same rights they used
to enjoy before his arrival.
A significant achievement credited to Qusai was the establishment of An-Nadwa House (an assembly
house) on the northern side of Al-Ka‘bah Mosque, to serve as a meeting place for Quraish. This very
house had benefited Quraish a lot because it secured unity of opinions amongst them and cordial
solution to their problem.
1. Presiding over An-Nadwa House meetings where consultations relating to serious issues
were conducted, and marriage contracts were announced.
2. The Standard: He monopolized in his hand issues relevant to war launching.
3. Doorkeeping of Al-Ka‘bah: He was the only one eligible to open its gate, and was
responsible for its service and protection.
4. Providing water for the Pilgrims: This means that he used to fill basins sweetened by dates
and raisins for the pilgrims to drink.
5. Feeding Pilgrims: This means making food for pilgrims who could not afford it. Qusai even
imposed on Quraish annual land tax, paid at the season of pilgrimage, for food.
It is noteworthy however that Qusai singled out ‘Abd Manaf, a son of his, for honour and prestige
though he was not his elder son (‘Abd Ad-Dar was), and entrusted him with such responsibilities as
chairing of An-Nadwa House, the standard, the doorkeeping of Al-Ka‘bah, providing water and food
for pilgrims. Due to the fact that Qusai’s deeds were regarded as unquestionable and his orders
inviolable, his death gave no rise to conflicts among his sons, but it later did among his grand
children, for no sooner than ‘Abd Munaf had died, his sons began to have rows with their cousins—
sons of ‘Abd Ad-Dar, which would have given rise to dissension and fighting among the whole tribe
of Quraish, had it not been for a peace treaty whereby posts were reallocated so as to preserve
feeding and providing water for pilgrims for the sons of ‘Abd Munaf; while An-Nadwa House, the flag
and the doorkeeping of Al-Ka‘bah were maintained for the sons of ‘Abd Ad-Dar. The sons of ‘Abd
Munaf, however, cast the lot for their charge, and consequently left the charge of food and water
giving to Hashim bin ‘Abd Munaf, upon whose death, the charge was taken over by a brother of his
called Al-Muttalib bin ‘Abd Manaf and afterwards by ‘Abd Al-Muttalib bin Hashim, the Prophet’s
grandfather, whose sons assumed this position until the rise of Islam, during which ‘Abbas bin
‘Abdul-Muttalib was in charge.
Many other posts were distriamong people of Quraish for establishing the pillars of a new democratic
petite state with government offices and councils similar to those of today. Enlisted as follows are
some of these posts.
1. Casting the lots for the idols was allocated to Bani Jumah.
2. Noting of offers and sacrifices, settlement of disputes and relevant issues were to lie in the
hands of Bani Sahm.
3. Consultation was to go to Bani Asad.
4. Organization of blood-money and fines was with Bani Tayim.
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