The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 29

Page 11 The Islamic Bulletin Volume XXV No. 29 7. JESUS WAS NOT SON OF GOD: My study of Christianity through the Holy Bible and other books led me to believe and know that Jesus was not the son of God. In fact the term ‘SON’ is used for many prophets and pious men of God in the Holy Bible. This proved to me that Jesus is not the Son of God. – PAUL, AUSTRALIA 8. JESUS WAS JUST A PROPHET: The concept of Jesus being a prophet is very clear and logical, as several times in the Bible it is mentioned that he was a prophet of God. The Holy Quran provides clear evidence that Jesus was neither god nor son of God; rather he was a prophet and messenger of God. – RYNO FOURIE, SOUTH AFRICA. 9. JESUS NEVER SAID HE IS GOD: It was shocking for me to learn that Jesus never stated in the Bible that he is God. This made me question my belief about Jesus, so I started reading about him till I reached the point that he is not God. -MADELANE, PHILIPPINES 10. PROPHET MUHAMMAD’S (PEACE BE UPON HIM) MERCY: The Prophet’s immense mercy towards human beings (especially slaves and women), animals, environment etc. were the main reasons for me to accept the truth brought by Prophet Muhammad (S) –JOCHEN, GERMANY 11. SERVE YOUR FELLOW MAN FIRST: After September 11, I read a book about the Prophet Mohammed, where he said, “My example is the example of a man who made a fire, and when it lighted what was around it, moths and other insects started falling into the fire. The man tried (his best) to prevent them, (from falling in the fire). The Prophet added: Now, similarly, I take hold of the knots at your waist (belts) to prevent you from falling into the Fire. “ I immediately saw a kinship to him personally that we both had the same job, how to save people from the fire.”. The fire fighter will risk his life to save you whether you’re Black, Brown, Red, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Atheist. He’s not asking you what your philosophy is or looking at your color. He’s looking to get you out of the building. The willingness just to put others before yourself. To be a good Muslim, you serve people. And specifically, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), asked the question to people around him: “Do you love your creator? Serve your fellow man first. “The Qur’an teaches you that the saving of one life is like saving all of humanity. And, that’s one of the reasons I became a firefighter. What more noble calling is there than to save a person’s life, to save people, to save their property? Kevin, USA 12. 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY Once I came to know that in Michael Hart’s famous book, prophet Muhammad’s name is mentioned at the top of the list, I got a copy of it from an international airport and started reading about him. I read some other books on the life of the Prophet and accepted Islam. – GONZALO, USA 13. ISLAM’S ACCEPTANCE OF ALL THE PROPHETS: I was surprised once I came to know that Muslims believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of God mentioned in the Holy Bible, like Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John and Jesus etc. I discovered all the messengers and prophets were following one religion and brought one message. – GEORGE, LEBANON 14. THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM: Islam is perfect in its concept and in its practice. The Five Pillars of Islam are designed very perfectly and emphasize every part of our life like inner faith, physical acceptance, feeling hunger, helping the needy and global brotherhood. –DALIA, PHILIPPINES 15. QURAN THE BOOK OF ALLAH: During my college years, I got a copy of the Holy Quran from one of my friends which helped me to understand Islam very clearly. I kept hat copy of the Quran with me for long time and continued reading it frequently. Once I visited Dubai, I accepted Islam. – SONIA, INDIA 16. QURAN RESPECTS JESUS: I had no knowledge that Muslims acknowledge Jesus. Once I came to know that Muslims believe in Jesus, that his name is mentioned in the Quran several times and that it is obligated upon every Muslim to believe and respect him, I started reading the Holy Quran and I found that the Quran respects Jesus and provides a clear picture about who he was. -DENISH, UGANDA 17. CHAPTER ‘MARYAM’ IN THE QURAN CHANGED MY LIFE: Once I started reading chapter Maryam in the Quran, everything became clear to me. All the details of Jesus & his mother Mary are mentioned very beautifully. And at the end of the chapter, there is a warning for those who after receiving the truth turn their back and do not accept the truth. - FERNANDO, PHILIPPINES 18. THE QURAN WAS PIVOTAL FOR ME The Quran was pivotal for me. I first tried to approach it in anger, as part of an attempt to prove my Muslim friend wrong. Later I began reading it with a more open mind. The opening of Al Fatiha, with its address to the whole of mankind, psychologically stopped me in my tracks. It spoke of previous scriptures in a way which I both recognized, but also differed. It clarified many of the doubts I had about Christianity. It made me an adult as I suddenly realized that my destiny and my actions had consequences for which I alone would now be held responsible. In the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), I recognized a man who was tasked with a momentous mission, like his predecessors, Moses, Jesus and Abraham. MYRIAM FRANCOIS-CERRAH - UK 19. THE QURAN CANNOT BE CHANGED: I was surprised to know that the Quran has not been changed throughout centuries and will not change until the Last Day, because Allah has promised to keep the Quran intact and thousands of Muslims have learnt the Quran by heart. - YUSUF, PHILIPPINES 20. PRAYER IN ISLAM: For years I was observing Muslims while they were praying. I was often amazed by the devout way of worship. No one asked me to accept Islam, but through my observation of Muslims’ prayer, I accepted Islam. - JASON, GERMANY 21. UNITY IN PRAYER: In the congregational prayer, there is no king or servant, rich or poor, white or black, first or second class, reserved or unreserved. All Muslims stand and pray shoulder to shoulder in the most disciplined manner and demonstrate unity in purpose and action, piety and humility before God and solidarity among Muslims. -TOUKPO, TOGO