The Islamic Bulletin Newsletter Issue No. 29

Page 6 The Islamic Bulletin Volume XXV No. 29 books written by a man who was an apostate who killed Christians, tortured Christians, and then said that he in a vision saw Jesus. And he was commissioned as an Apostle of Jesus. This is the first time that God is called a man, and the first time that God is called three, and the first time God was given a son -- how is this acceptable to Christians? The advent of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did not bring a new religion or a way of life as some people ominously claim. On the contrary, the prophet (SAW) confirmed the life and message of all the previous prophets and messengers. The sacred scripture that Muhammad (SAW) brought is called the Quran. It means “that which is recited.” Because Muhammad (SAW) did not write the Quran. The Angel Gabriel recited the words to him! And Almighty God made his heart a receptacle of that. Is there any other book in the world that you know of that has been preserved as it was revealed without any change? Only the Quran. Don’t take my word for it! Go to the library and read what the Encyclopedia Britannica or the World Encyclopedia or any other universal encyclopedia of the world that was not written by Muslims. Read what it says about Islam, the Quran, and Muhammad (S). Read what non-Muslims say about the Quran, Islam, and Muhammad (S). That Muhammad (S) is the most profound individual in the history of humanity. That the Quran is the most incredible, the most profound piece of literature in the annals of history! Read what they say. That the Islamic way of life is categorized and so precise and dynamic! It has never changed. The sacred scripture that Muhammad (SAW) received is ‘The Quran.’ And each of the prophets and messengers also received the scripture. In the Quran, these prophets, their scripture, their story, the principle of their mission is mentioned with profound detail. Did Muhammad (S) meet them, talk with them, eat with them, and collaborate with them to write their biographies? No, of course he didn’t. In the Quran, Muhammad (S) is referred to as the messenger of Almighty God and the seal of the previous prophets -- which is the limit of his role as a human being. “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” [Quran 33:40] Muslims do not worship Muhammad; we’re not ‘Muhammadans.’ The people who followed Prophet Moses were not Moseans. The people who followed Prophet Jacob were not Jacobites. The people who followed Prophet Abraham were not Abrahamians. Or Davidians. So how do people call themselves ‘Christians?’ Christ did not call himself a ‘Christian,’ so why do people call themselves ‘Christians?’ Jesus Christ (PBUH) said that whatever he received from Almighty God was the word of God, and what he heard is what he said! He was a servant of the Almighty God; so we should be servants of Almighty God, too! As the final scripture and divine revelation, the Quran makes the statement, ‘‘This day have I perfected your religion and completed my favor upon you. And chose Islam as a complete way of life.’’ [Quran 5:3] So, the word Islam came through the Quran. When Islam was completed as a revelation, as a book, as an example through the Prophet Muhammad (S), it then became ‘Islam.’ So the word was new. But not the practice...not the prophet...not the order from God...not a new God...not a new revelation...but only the name, Islam. Another distinction to keep in mind is that Muhammad (S) did not come to the Arabs or to his own people exclusively. Therefore, Islam is a religion sent to all people. In the Holy Quran Allah says, “And you have not been sent, oh Muhammad, except to the all of humanity.” [Quran 21:107] Since I am making references to the Quran to support my argument, I will give some background information on the Quran. First, the Quran claims that it is the product of divine revelation. That it was sent down from Almighty God to Muhammad for inspiration. Allah says, “Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.” “It is no less than inspiration sent down to him.” [Quran 53:3-4] If I am to convince you of the authenticity of the Quran, I must prove - one, that it was impossible for Muhammad to have manufactured such a book. Secondly, that it was equally impossible for any human agency to have created it. The Quran makes the statement, “And we created the human beings from the hanging clot that was clinging to the wall of the womb.” [Quran 23:14] “Created man from a clinging substance.” [Quran 96:2] How did the Prophet Muhammad (S) know that the embryo started out as a clot hanging and clinging to the wall of the uterus of the mother? How did he receive this knowledge, when it was just discovered forty-seven years ago? Likewise, how did he know that the oceans have a barrier between them to separate the salt and the fresh water? “And it is He Who has let free the two seas (kinds of water), one palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter, and He has set a barrier and a complete partition between them.” [Quran 25:53] How did he know this? “It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.” [Quran 21:33]