Page 52 - Islam In Focus

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Act 9. Finally he turns his face to the right side saying these word: “ Assalamu
‘Alaykum wa rahmatu-l-Lah (peace be on you and the mercy of God). Then he turns
his face to the left side uttering the same greetings (Taslim).
This is how any prayer of two units (Rak’ ahs), whether obligatory or supererogatory,
is performed. When knowing how to perform this prayer in the right way, all other
prayers will be found very easy. It should be pointed out that every move or every
word in the Islamic prayer has a great significance attached to it and is symbolic of a
very deep meaning.
The Noon Prayer (Salatu-z-Zuhr)
This consists of four units as Sunnah, followed by four units as Fard, and then two
others as Sunnah. The performance of the Fard of this prayer is as follows:
(a). The first two units are performed in the same way as in the morning prayer. The
Fatihah and a portion of the Qur’ an are recited in a low voice. Bowing and prostration
postures are observed in the same way
(b). When reciting the Tashahhud after the second unit, the worshipper stops at the
end of first part of it to resume the posture of standing
(c). Then he recites the Fatihah only in the third unit without any added portion of the
Qur’ an
(d). When he concludes the third unit, he stands for the fourth and recites the Fatihah
only as in the third
(e). After bowing and prostration he takes the sitting posture of Julus and recites the
whole Tashahhad with its two parts
(f). Then he utters the peace greetings right and left
(g). Offering the two Sunnah units is like the morning prayer but in a low voice
The Mid-Afternoon Prayer (Salatu-l-’Asr)
It consists of four units as Sunnah followed by four others as Fard. These are
performed in the same way as the noon prayer and in a low voice.
The Sunset Prayer ( Salatu-l-Maghrib)
It consists of three units as Fard followed by two as Sunnah. It may be said in the first
two units with a low or audible voice; the third unit is in a low voice. It is performed
in the same way as the noon or mid-afternoon prayer except that the fourth unit is
excluded and the final sitting here, following recital of the Fatihah, bowing, and
prostration, comes after third unit, which ends with the utterances of peace greetings.
The two Sunnah units are offered in the same way as the Early Morning Prayer.
The Evening Prayer (Salatu-l-‘Isha’)
It consists of four units as Fard, two as Sunnah and three as Witr (higher than Sunnah
and lower than Fard). The first two units of the four Fard may be said in a low or
audible voice. Other than that, it is performed the same way as the noon or mid-
afternoon prayer. The two Sunnah units are performed exactly like the early morning