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community. That was true. Yaziid was totally corrupt. He did not possess one single virtue which would

forgive his crimes and evils which have been narrated by history.

How was it possible for Ibn Az-Zubair to swear the oath of allegiance to him? He strongly refused

to do so while Mu'aawiyah was alive and more so when Yaziid became caliph. Yaziid sent someone to

threaten him. He, however, said, "I'm not going to swear the oath of allegiance to a drunkard."

Ibn Az-Zubair became Commander of the Faithful with Holy Makkah as his capital, extending his

rule over Hejaz, Yemen, Basra, Kufa, Khurasan, and Syria except Damascus. The inhabitants of all these

provinces swore the oath of allegiance to him. But the Ommiads were not satisfied. Restless, they waged

continuous wars, most of which ended in their defeat. Nothing changed until `Abd Al Maalik Ibn

Marwaan ordered one of the most harsh, criminal, cruel, and merciless human beings to attack `Abd

Allah in Makkah. This was Al-Hajaaj Ath-Thaqafiy, who was described by `Umar Ibn Abd Al-'Aziiz: "If

all nations were to weigh together their sins, and we came with Al Hajaaj only, the balance would sway

to our part."

Al-Hajaaj personally led his army to invade Makkah, Ibn Az Zubair's capital. He besieged it nearly

six months, preventing the provision of water and food to force people to abandon Abd Allah. Under the

severe pressure of hunger, a large number of fighters surrendered and Abd Allah found himself almost

alone. Although chances to save his life and soul were still available, he decided to carry out his

responsibilities to the very end. He went on fighting with legendary courage, although he was 70 years

old at that time. We will only grasp the full image of that situation if we listen to the conversation which

took place between `Abd Allah and his mother, the great and noble Asmaa' Bint Abu Bakr, a short while

before his death.

He went to her presenting the whole situation and what seemed to be his destiny.

Asmaa' told him, " My son, you know yourself better than anyone else. If you know that you are

adhering to the truth and calling to it, then be patient till you die for its sake and don't let the boys of Bani

Umaiyah reach your neck. But if life in this world has been your main concern, then you're a wretched

son, destroying yourself and those killed on your side."

`Abd Allah said, "By Allah, mother, I've never sought life in this world, nor did I submit myself to

it. I've never ruled with injustice, treated anyone unfairly, or betrayed anyone."

His mother Asmaa' said, "I hope I will receive good consolation if you precede me to Paradise or I

precede you. May Allah have mercy for your long prayers at night, your fasting during hot days and your

reverent treatment of me and your father. Allah, I've handed over my son to Your fate; I will be pleased

with Your destiny. Reward me for sacrificing my son as You reward thankful and patient believers."

They embraced each other and exchanged a farewell look. After one hour of fierce, unparalleled

battle, the martyr received a deadly stroke. Al-Hajaaj, cruel, cunning, and deceiving as he was, insisted

on crucifying the lifeless body.

`Abd Allah's mother, who was on that day 97 years old, went to see her crucified son. Like a high

towering mountain, his mother stood in front of him when Al-Hajaaj approached with shame and

humiliation and said, "O Mother, the Commander of the Faithful `Abd Al-Maalik Ibn Marwaan has

recommended me to treat you well. Do you need anything?"

She shouted, " I'm not your mother. I'm the mother of that one crucified on the cross. I don't need

you. But I'm going to tell you a hadith which I heard from the Prophet (PBUH). He said, "He will emerge

from Thaqiif, a liar and a vicious one." We have already seen the liar and the vicious one. I don't think

he's anyone else but you." `Abd Allah Ibn `Umar approached to console her and asked Allah to grant her

patience. She replied, "What hinders me from being patient? Wasn't the head of Yahyaa (John) Ibn

Zakariyaa granted to an Israelite harlot?"