Page 237 - Riyad-us-Saliheen

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َلﺎﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﱠﻲِﺒﱠﻨﻟا ﱠنَأ ﻪﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ٍماﺰِﺣ ﻦﺑ ِﻢﻴﻜَﺣ ﻦﻋو
ِﺪَﻴﻟا َﻦِﻣ ُﺮْﻴَﺧ ﺎﻴﻠُﻌﻟا ُﺪﻴﻟا
َو ، ُلﻮُﻌَﺗ ْﻦﻤﺑ أَﺪْﺑاو ، ﻰﻠْﻔﱡﺴﻟا
ﻦْﻐﺘْﺴَﻳ ْﻦَﻣو ، ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُﻪﱡﻔﻌُﻳ ْﻒﻔْﻌﺘْﺴَﻳ ْﻦَﻣو ، ﻲﻨِﻏ ِﺮْﻬَﻇ ْﻦﻋ نﺎآ ﺎﻣ ِﺔَﻗَﺪﱠﺼﻟا ُﺮْﻴَﺧ
ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ِﻪِﻨْﻐُﻳ
ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ٌﻖﻔﺘﻣ
ﺮﺼﺧَأ ﻢﻠﺴﻣ ﻆﻔﻟو ، يرﺎﺨﺒﻟا ﻆﻔﻟ اﺬهو
Hakim bin Hizam (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said,
"The upper hand is
better than the lower one; and begin (charity) with those who are under your care; and the best charity is (the one
which is given) out of surplus; and he who wishes to abstain from begging will be protected by Allah; and he who
seeks self-sufficiency will be made self-sufficient by Allah.''
In this Hadith the underlying points are self-evident but the last point is very important: Those who
avoid begging of others and remain independent of them are beloved to Allah. Indeed He helps such people. Instead
of leaving them alone to be degraded on account of begging, He bestows upon them the sense of self-sufficiency,
patience and contentment.
لﺎﻗ ﻪﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ٍبْﺮَﺣ ِﻦﺑ ِﺮْﺨَﺻ َنﺎﻴﻔﺳ ﻦﻋو
ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ُلﻮﺳر لﺎﻗ
ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا
اﻮُﻔِﺤْﻠُﺗ ﻻ
ٌﻩِرﺎآ ُﻪَﻟ ﺎﻧَأَو ًﺎﺌْﻴَﺷ ﻲﱢﻨِﻣ ُﻪُﺘَﻟَﺄْﺴَﻣ ُﻪَﻟ َجِﺮﺨُﺘَﻓ ،ًﺎﺌْﻴَﺷ ْﻢُﻜْﻨِﻣ ٌﺪَﺣَأ ﻲﻨُﻟَﺄْﺴَﻳ ﻻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟاَﻮﻓ ، ِﺔَﻟَﺄﺴﻤﻟا ﻲﻓ
ﺎﻤﻴﻓ ُﻪَﻟ َكَرﺎَﺒُﻴَﻓ ،
ﻢﻠﺴﻣ ﻩاور
Abu Sufyan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"Do not be
importunate in begging. By Allah! If one of you asks me for something and I give it to him unwillingly, there is no
blessing in what I give him.''
Here one has been prevented from making demands to others importunately, pressingly and
persistently. Because even if one gets something in this way, it will be bereft of blessing. The reason is that the
giver's will is not involved in the matter as he has given the charity to the beggar with a sense of reluctance and
aversion and out of modesty.
َلﺎﻗ ﻪﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ﱢﻲِﻌَﺠْﺷَﻷا ﻚﻟﺎﻣ ﻦﺑ فﻮَﻋ ِﻦﻤﺣﺮﻟا ِﺪﺒﻋ ﻲﺑأ ﻦﻋو
ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ِلﻮُﺳر َﺪْﻨِﻋ ﺎﱠﻨُآ
لﺎَﻘَﻓ ، ًﺔَﻌْﺒَﺳ ْوَأ ًﺔﻴﻧﺎﻤﺛ ْوَأ ًﺔْﻌَﺴِﺗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ
ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮُﺳَر َنﻮُﻌِﻳﺎَﺒُﺗ َﻻَأ
ٍﺪْﻬَﻋ ﻲﺜﻳِﺪَﺣ ﺎﱠﻨُآو
ﺎﻨْﻠُﻘَﻓ ، ٍﺔَﻌْﻴﺒِﺑ
لﺎﻗ ﻢﺛ ، ِﻪﱠﻠﻟا َلﻮُﺳر ﺎﻳ َكﺎﻨْﻌﻳﺎﺑ ْﺪَﻗ
؟ ﷲا لﻮﺳر نﻮﻌﻳﺎﺒﺗ ﻻأ
ﺪﻗ ﺎﻨﻠﻗو ﺎﻨﻳﺪﻳأ ﺎﻨﻄﺴﺒﻓ
لﺎﻗ ؟ َﻚُﻌِﻳﺎَﺒَﻧ مَﻼَﻌَﻓ ﷲا لﻮﺳر ﺎﻳ كﺎﻨﻌﻳﺎﺑ
ﺲْﻤَﺨﻟا ِتاَﻮَﻠﱠﺼﻟاو ، ًﺎﺌْﻴَﺷ ِﻪِﺑ اﻮُآِﺮْﺸُﺗ ﻻو ﻪﱠﻠﻟا اوُﺪُﺒْﻌَﺗ ْنَأ ﻰﻠﻋ
ًﺔﻴِﻔَﺧ ﺔَﻤﻠآ ﱠﺮﺳَأَو
ًﺎﺌْﻴَﺷ ِسﺎﱠﻨﻟا اﻮُﻟَﺄْﺴَﺗ َﻻَو
ْﻢِهِﺪﺣَأ ُطْﻮَﺳ ُﻂُﻘْﺴَﻳ ِﺮَﻔﱠﻨﻟا َﻚﺌِﻟوُأ َ
ﺾْﻌَﺑ ُﺖﻳَأَر ْﺪَﻘَﻠَﻓ
ُﻪُﻟِوﺎَﻨُﻳ ًاﺪَﺣَأ ُلَﺄْﺴَﻳ ﺎﻤَﻓ
ﻢﻠﺴﻣ ﻩاور
`Auf bin Malik Al-Ashja`i (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Seven, eight or nine people, including
myself, were with Messenger of Allah (PBUH) on an occasion when he (PBUH) remarked,
"Would you pledge
allegiance to Messenger of Allah?''
As we had taken oath of allegiance shortly before, we said, "We have already
done so, O Messenger of Allah.'' He again asked,
"Would you not pledge allegiance to Messenger of Allah?
'' So we
stretched out our hands and said, "We have already made our pledge with you, O Messenger of Allah, on what
should we make a pledge with you?'' He said,
"To worship Allah and not to associate anything with Him, to perform
the five (daily) Salat and to obey.
'' Then he added in a low tone,
"And not to ask people for anything.
'' Thereafter, I
noticed that some of these people who were present did not ask anyone to pick up even the whip for them if it fell
from their hands. [Muslim].
Herein we find an approval of renewing the oath of loyalty; besides, there is also a ground for
administering such oath in respect of the obedience and worship of Allah, and decent behaviour. What is more, we
are also under obligation to observe all that the oath of fealty stands for.
لﺎﻗ ﻢﱠﻠَﺳو ِﻪْﻴَﻠَﻋ ُﷲا ﻰّﻠَﺻ ﱠﻲﺒﻨﻟا ﱠنَأ ﺎﻤﻬﻨﻋ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻲﺿر ﺮﻤﻋ ﻦﺑا ﻦﻋو
ﻰﺘَﺣ ْﻢُآِﺪَﺣَﺄِﺑ ُﺔَﻟَﺄﺴَﻤﻟا ُلاَﺰَﺗ َﻻ
ٍﻢْﺤَﻟ ُﺔﻋْﺰُﻣ ِﻪِﻬْﺟَو ﻲﻓ َﺲْﻴَﻟو ﻰﻟﺎﻌﺗ ﻪﱠﻠﻟا ﻰﻘْﻠَﻳ
ﻪﻴﻠﻋ ٌﻖﻔﺘﻣ
ﺔﻠﻤﻬﻤﻟا ِﻦﻴﻌﻟﺎﺑو ياﺰﻟا ِنﺎﻜﺳِإو ِﻢﻴﻤﻟا ﻢﻀﺑ