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Mu'aadh was generous, magnanimous, well-mannered, and good-natured. If anyone asked him for

money, he would readily and glady give it to him. His generosity made him spend all his money on

charity and aid. When the Prophet (PBUH) died, Mu'aadh was still in Yemen, where the Prophet

(PBUH) had sent him with the task of teaching Muslims their religion and fiqh.

When Mu'aadh returned from Yemen during Abu Bakr's caliphate, `Umar lbn Al khttaab was

informed that Mu'aadh become wealthy, and he suggested to Abu Bakr that the community should have

half of Mu'aadh's wealth. `Umar did not waste much time as he rushed to Mu'aadh's house and told him

about what he and Abu Bakr had agreed on. Mu'aadh was an honest and trustworthy man. The fact that

he had made a fortune did not make him vulnerable to suspicion or sin; therefore, he turned down

`Umar's suggestion and refuted his viewpoint. Finally, `Umar left him. The next day, Mu'aadh hurried

towards `Umar's house and no sooner had he laid his eyes on him than he hugged him. His tears flowed

as he said, " Last night, I saw in my dream that I was crossing deep water. I nearly drowned were it not

for your help, `Umar." Afterwards, they both went to Abu Bakr's presence where Mu'aadh asked him to

take half his money, but Abu Bakr said, " No, I will take nothing from you." `Umar glanced at Mu'aadh

and said, "Now it is halaal and blessed."

First, the pious Abu Bakr would not take from Mu'aadh one penny unless he was absolutely positive

that he had earned it in a lawful halaal way. Second, `Umar was not trying to accuse or cast suspicion on

Mu'aadh. In the final analysis, this epitomizes the era of ideals which was filled with people who were in

perpetual competition to climb their way up to the apex of perfection allowed to human beings. Thus

some of them soared up to the sky with their good deeds. Some were foremost and the rest followed a

middle course. Yet, all of them were travelers on a caravan of goodness.

After a while, Mu'aadh emigrated to Syria, where he lived among its people and the expatriates as a

teacher and a scholar of fiqh. When Abu Ubaidah, the governor of Syria and a dose friend of Mu'aadh,

died, the Commander of the Faithful `Umar Ibn Al khattaab assigned Mu'aadh to take his place as a ruler.

Only a few months had elapsed after his taking over when he died, humble and repentant to Allah. `Umar

(May Allah be pleased with him) used to say, "If I were to grant Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal succession and Allah

asked me, `Why did you make him your successor?' I would readily answer, `I heard Your Prophet

(PBUH) say that when those who have knowledge stand before Almighty Allah, Mu'aadh will be among


The succession that `Umar meant here was not merely over a country or a governorship but over all

the Muslim lands. When `Umar was asked before his death, "If you choose your successor now, we will

give him our allegiance," he answered, "If Mu'aadh lbn Jabal were alive and I made him my successor to

the caliphate, then I died and met Allah Who asked me, `Whom did you assign to rule Muhammad's

nation?' I would answer, `I assigned Mu'aadh lbn Jabal to rule it after I heard the Prophet (PBUH) say

Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal is the Imam of those who have knowledge of Judgment Day."

The Prophet (PBUH) said one day, "O Mu'aadh, by Allah I love you dearly, so do not forget to

recite after every prayer, `Allah help me in remembering You, in offering thanks to You, and in

worshiping You properly."'

Indeed, the Prophet (PBUH) supplicated Allah to help him to remember Him. The Prophet (PBUH)

persevered in stressing this great fact that tells people that authority belongs to Allah, He has the power

over all, and there is no power or any might except with His permission, for He is Most High and Most


Definitely, Mu'aadh had learned and fully grasped this fact.

He did his utmost to cherish and apply this fundamental basis in his life from that moment onwards.

One day, the Prophet (PBUH) ran into him so he asked him, "How are you this morning Mu'aadh?"

He answered, "This morning I woke up as a true believer." The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Every truth has

its manifestations, so what are the manifestations of your belief?" Mu'aadh readily answered, "I have