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Sa`d ordered his army to cross the Tigris River. He ordered them to search for a safe, secure ford in

the river which would enable their crossing. Finally they found a place, but the fording was not free of

extreme risks.

Before the army started to cross, the leader Sa'd wisely realized the necessity to safeguard their

arrival spot on the opposite bank, where the enemy was camping. Therefore he prepared two

detachments, the first of which was called The Detachment of Terror. Its leader was `Aasim Ibn `Amr.

The second was called The Detachment of the Dumb, led by Al Qa'qaa' lbn `Amr.

The soldiers of these two detachments had to encounter many horrible situations to clear a safe

place on the opposite bank for the army which would subsequently cross. They fulfilled their task with

amazing skill. Sa'd's success on that day will always be a cause for the perplexity of historians.

Sa'd himself was amazed by his own success. It also amazed his companion and escort Salmaan Al-

Faarisiy, who shook his head in astonishment and said, " Islam is indeed new. By Allah, seas have been

subdued by them and the land has been subdued by them. In the name of the One in Whose hands

Salmaan's soul lies, they will leave it in a group, as they entered it in a group."

Indeed, that is exactly what happened. As they penetrated the Tigris River in a group, so they left it

in a group without losing one single soldier, nor annoying a single horse.

It happened that a wooden cup fell from one of the warriors, who felt sorry to be the only one to

lose something. He called his companions to help to get it out and a high wave pushed it to where

someone could pick it up!

Some historical sources described the magnificence of such a scene as the fording of the river: Sa'd

ordered the Muslims to say, "Allah is enough for us and He is the best to trust in." Then he penetrated the

Tigris with his horse, and the people penetrated behind him. No one stayed behind. They walked as if

they were walking on a land surface until they filled the whole area between the two banks. The water

surface could not seen due to the numerous troops of cavalry and infantry. People went on talking while

walking in the water as if they were on land, as a result of their feeling of security and tranquility, their

trust in Allah's judgment and His victory, His promise and His support.

When Umar appointed him to be Iraq's governor, he set out to build Kufa and established the

foundations of Islam in wide broad lands.

One day the inhabitants of Kufa complained to the Commander of the Faithful about Sa'd. They lost

control over their flimsy, restless temper and made a funny claim saying, "Sa'd can't pray well." Sa`d

laughed loudly and said, "By Allah, I prayed with them exactly as the Prophet's prayer was. I prolonged

the first two rak`ahs and shortened the last two."

When `Umar ordered him back to Al-Madiinah, he did not get annoyed. On the contrary, he

responded to `Umar's call immediately. After some time, `Umar determined to return him to Kufa, but

Sa'd responded laughing, "Do You order me to return to people who claim that I don't perform my

prayers well?" He preferred to stay in Al-Madiinah.

When the Commander of the Faithful `Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) was attacked, he

chose six of the Prophet's Companions to be responsible for choosing the next caliph. `Umar said that he

chose six of those with whom the Prophet was pleased before he died. Sa'd lbn Abi Waqqaas was one of


But it seems from `Umar's last words that if he would have chosen one of the Companions for the

caliphate, it would have been Sa'd. He said to his companions, advising and commending, "If Sa'd is to

become caliph, that's good; but if someone else is to be caliph, then he has to seek Sa'd's help."